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A meme of a kitten running with the wording "every time you hack core, God kills a kitten"

Interview with a Drupal expert

Maygen Jacques
6 mins read
Woman holding her fingers to her eyes to mimic glasses

What to look for in an accessibility audit

Maygen Jacques
6 mins read
Woman with code being projected onto her face

Tracking and data privacy in 2020

Maygen Jacques
7 mins read
Two CCTV cameras on a wall

Why we still encourage the avoidance of US-based data systems

Maygen Jacques
3 mins read
A blurred page of code

My First Week

Maygen Jacques
2 mins read
A magnifying glass

Interview with a Drupal Expert - Oliver Davies

Maygen Jacques
8 mins read
A11Y Collective logo

Interview with an accessibility expert - Rian Rietveld

Maygen Jacques
7 mins read